Volume 8, Issue 4 (December 2021)                   J. Food Qual. Hazards Control 2021, 8(4): 178-185 | Back to browse issues page

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Khadijah K, Soekamto N, Firdaus F, Chalid S, Syah Y. Chemical Composition, Phytochemical Constituent, and Toxicity of Methanol Extract of Brown Algae (Padina sp.) from Puntondo Coast, Takalar (Indonesia). J. Food Qual. Hazards Control 2021; 8 (4) :178-185
URL: http://jfqhc.ssu.ac.ir/article-1-883-en.html
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Hasanuddin, Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan No.KM.10, Makassar 90245, South Sulawesi, Indonesia , nunukhariani@unhas.ac.id
Abstract:   (1789 Views)
Background: Padina sp. is an algae that has potential as a functional food. This study aimed to explore the chemical and photochemical constituent in the methanolic exract of Padina sp.
Methods: Brown algae of Padina sp. from Puntondo coast, Takalar, Indonesia was prepared. The algae characterization was carried out based on the standard procedure of Association of Official Agricultural Chemists (AOAC). Toxicity of Padina sp. was determined with Brine Shrimp Lethality Test (BSLT).
Results: Chemical contents were 13.46% water, 38.02% ash, 12.33% protein, 1.60% fat, 20.02% fiber, and 48.06% carbohydrate. The FTIR spectrum displayed the presence of hydroxyl, carboxylic acids, aldehydes, aliphatic hydrocarbons, fatty acids, and unsaturated hydrocarbons. Padina sp. extract consisted of phytol compound which had 70-96% similarity with steroids, fatty acids, carboxylic acids, terpenoid, and proteins. The result of toxicity was 6344.54 ppm indicating not toxic.
Conclusion: Padina sp. can be used as a raw material source for functional food and pharmaceutical industry.

DOI: 10.18502/jfqhc.8.4.8259 
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Type of Study: Original article | Subject: Special
Received: 21/02/15 | Accepted: 21/08/01 | Published: 21/12/29

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